Potential Stress Can Become Actual Stress When the Outcome of an Event Is Uncertain and ________.

7.two Stress in an Organization

Stress and the consequences of stress in an organization

Stress has become an ever-increasing focal point in the world of business. As an employee, yous hear near it all the time. Downsizing at a company creates stress among the remaining workers when workloads, and fourth dimension at work increment. Surveys show that employees often struggle to find a balance between job responsibilities and family responsibilities. Companies become out of business in this competitive environment, and considering of that job security is not what it one time was.

Understanding what stress is, where it comes from, and what it means to an organization are a manager's beginning steps to alleviating some of the havoc it wreaks.

Learning Outcomes

  • Discuss various elements and types of stress
  • Hash out potential sources of stress
  • Describe the consequences of stress and its toll to an organisation

What is Stress?

Like motivation, stress is a very private experience. Ane person tin can experience farthermost pressure and feet over a task that is looming, and another might wait at the same task and see it every bit an exciting claiming. In spite of that, we've seen an overall jump in the number of people that report stress on the job, and we can see how information technology's taking its toll.

Stress is a dynamic condition, and it exists when an individual is confronted with an opportunity, constraint or demand related to what he or she desires, and for which the upshot is perceived to be both uncertain and important.

Stress isn't necessarily bad, even though it'southward usually discussed in a negative context. There's opportunity in stress, and that'due south a good matter because information technology offers potential gain. For case, consider Luke Skywalker, piloting his 10-Wing fighter, trying to boom his torpedo into that small, trivial space that was the Death Star's only weakness. There was plenty of stress, provided by stormtroopers and Darth Vader himself via bullets and explosions, but Luke concentrated, used stress to his advantage, and shot that torpedo right into the frazzle port.

Okay, maybe it was the Forcefulness, too. Athletes and performers apply stress positively in "clutch" situations, using it to button themselves to their functioning maximums. Fifty-fifty ordinary workers in an organization will use an increased workload and responsibilities every bit a challenge that increases the quality and quantity of their outputs.

Photograph of a person sitting on the ground covering their face with their hands. They are leaning against a couch.Stress is negative when information technology's associated with constraints and demands. Constraints are forces that prevent a person from doing what he or she wants. Demands represent the loss of something desired. They're the two conditions that are necessary for potential stress to go bodily stress. Over again, there must be uncertainty over the outcome and the outcome must exist important.

Kevin, a student, may feel stress when he is taking a test considering he's facing an opportunity (a passing grade) that includes constraints and demands (in the form of a timed test that features tricky questions). Salomé, a full-time employee, may feel stress when she is confronted with a projection considering she's facing an opportunity (a chance to achieve something, make extra money and receive recognition) that includes constraints and demands (long hours, fourth dimension abroad from family, a adventure that his noesis and skills aren't plenty to consummate the project correctly).

Stress is highest for those who don't know if they volition win or lose and lowest for those that feel that winning (or losing) is an inevitability. However, the private can perceive the winning (or losing) every bit an inevitability, but if it'southward important, the private is nonetheless likely to feel a level of stress.

Practice Question


What does stress feel similar? The symptoms of stress for a person are as individual as the weather condition that cause it. Typically, when presented with stress, the trunk responds with a surge of hormones and chemicals that results in a fight-or-flight response. Equally the proper noun would point, this response allows y'all to either fight the stressor or run away from information technology.

The full general accommodation syndrome (GAS) describes the three stages that individuals experience when they see stressors, respond and endeavor to arrange:

  • Alert. The physical reaction one experiences when a stressor get-go presents itself. This could include an acme of blood pressure, dilated pupils, tensing muscles.
  • Resistance. If the stressor continues to exist present, the person fights the threat past preparing to resist, physiologically and psychologically. At get-go, the stressor will exist met with plenty of energy, just if the stressor persists, the individual will start to experience fatigue in fighting it and resistance volition wearable down.
  • Burnout. Continuous, unsuccessful resistance eventually leads to the collapse of physical and mental defenses.

When stress is chronically present, it begins to do damage to a person's trunk and his mental state. High blood pressure, higher chance of center attack and stroke are just some of the physical ramifications. Anxiety and depression are the hallmarks of psychological symptoms of stress, but can also include cognitive symptoms like forgetfulness and indecisiveness. Behaviorally, a person suffering from stress may be prone to sudden verbal outbursts, hostility, drug and alcohol corruption and even violence.

Another event of chronic stress and overwork is burnout. The term "burnout" is tossed out past people quite a bit to draw the symptoms of their stress response, simply burnout is an accurate condition marked by feelings of exhaustion and powerlessness, leading to apathy, pessimism and complete withdrawal. Burnout is a common status among those who have chosen careers that serve others or interact heavily with other people—healthcare and educational activity amid them.

Stress is a significant issue for businesses. At present that nosotros know what it is and what it looks like, permit'south take a look at the most common causes.

Sources of Stress

If you poll a group of individuals about what their biggest stressors are, they're likely to give you these four answers:

  • Money
  • Piece of work
  • Family responsibilities
  • Health concerns

In most surveys on stress and its causes, these four responses have been at the top of the listing for quite a long time, and I'g sure you lot weren't surprised to read them. But managers should accept pause when they realize that all four of these are either direct or indirectly impacted by the workplace.

Still, there are so many differences among individuals and their stressors. Why is 1 person's heed-crippling stress another person's biggest motivation and challenge? We're going to attempt to answer this by looking at the three sources of stress—individual, organizational, and environmental—then add in the concept of human perception in an effort to empathize this conundrum.

Chart mapping out the various factors of stress, individual differences, and how people experience stress. There are three types of factors of stress: Individual, Organizational, and Environmental. The individual factors of stress listed are family issues, financial issues, and individual personality. The organizational factors of stress listed are task and role demands, interpersonal demands, organizational structure, leadership, and organizational life stage. The environmental factors of stress listed are economic environment, political environment, and technology. The chart then lists individual differences, which impact how people experience stress. These differences are perception, job experience, social support, belief in locus of control, self-efficacy, and hostility. The chart then maps out different symptoms of stress, which are separated into three categories: physiological symptoms, psychological symptoms, and behavioral symptoms. The physiological symptoms of stress listed are headaches, high blood pressure, and heart disease. The psychological symptoms of stress listed are anxiety, depression, and less job satisfaction. The behavioral symptoms of stress listed are loss of productivity, absenteeism, and turnover.

Individual Factors

The first of three sources of stress are private. Individuals may experience stressful commutes to piece of work, or a stressful couple of weeks helping at a work event, but those kinds of temporary, individual stresses are non what nosotros're looking at hither. We're looking for a deeper, longer-term stress. Family stress—marriages that are ending, bug with children, an ailing parent—these are stressful situations that an employee really can't exit at home when he or she comes to work. Financial stress, like the disability to pay bills or an unexpected new demand on a person's greenbacks flow might also be an issue that disturbs an employee's time at work. Finally, an private'due south own personality might actually contribute to his or her stress. People's dispositions—how they perceive things equally negative or positive—tin exist a gene in each person's stress as well.

Organizational Factors

There's a plethora of organizational sources of stress.

  • Task or role demands: these are factors related to a person's part at piece of work, including the design of a person's chore or working weather condition. A stressful task demand might be a detailed, weekly presentation to the company's senior team. A stressful role demand might be where a person is expected to achieve more in a set amount of time than is possible.
  • Interpersonal demands: these are stressors created by co-workers. Perchance an employee is experiencing ongoing conflict with a co-worker he or she is expected to collaborate closely with. Or maybe employees are experiencing a lack of social support in their roles.
  • Organizational construction: this refers to the level of differentiation within an system, the caste of rules and regulations, and where decisions are made. If employees are unable to participate in decisions that affect them, they may experience stress.
  • Organizational leadership: this refers to the organization's style of leadership, particularly the managerial style of its senior executives. Leaders tin can create an environment of tension, fright and anxiety and tin can exert unrealistic pressure level and command. If employees are afraid they'll be fired for non living up to leadership'south standards, this tin definitely be a source of stress.
  • Organizational life stage: an organization goes through a cycle of stages (birth, growth, maturity, decline). For employees, the birth and decline of an organisation tin be particularly stressful, equally those stages tend to be filled with heavy workloads and a level of uncertainty virtually the future.

Environmental Factors

Finally, in that location are environmental sources of stress. The economy may be in a downturn, creating dubiety for chore futures and banking company accounts. There may be political unrest or change creating stress. Finally, technology tin can cause stress, every bit new developments are constantly making employee skills obsolete, and workers fearfulness they'll exist replaced past a machine that tin do the same. Employee are also ofttimes expected to stay connected to the workplace 24/7 because applied science allows it.

Do Question


As a side note, it's of import to understand that these stressors are additive. In other words, stress builds upward, and new elements add to a person'due south stress level. And then a single chemical element of stress might not seem important in itself, merely when added to other stresses the worker is experiencing, it can, as the onetime aphorism says, be the straw that broke the camel's back.

Individual Differences

icon of several people standing in a circle. One person is highlighted in orange.Those are the sources of stress, but differences inside an private determine whether that stress will be positive or negative. Those private differences include

  • Perception. This is what moderates the private's human relationship to the stressor. For instance, ane person might see a potential layoff every bit a stressful state of affairs, while another person might come across that same layoff as an opportunity for a nice severance package and the opportunity to start a new business.
  • Job Experience. Because stress is associated with turnover, it would stand up to reason that those employees with a long tenure are the about stress-resistant of the bunch.
  • Social Support. Co-workers, peculiarly those who are caring or considered to be friends, tin aid protect a beau employee against the furnishings of stress.
  • Belief in the locus of control. Those who have a high internal locus of command (those that believe they are in control of their own fate) are, unsurprisingly, not as affected by stress every bit those who experience they are not in control.
  • Self-efficacy. Cocky-efficacy is an private'due south belief that he or she can complete a task. Research shows that employees who accept strong levels of self-efficacy are more than resistant to the effects of stress.
  • Hostility. Some employees bear around a high level of hostility as a part of their personalities, and they're often suspicious and distrustful of their co-workers. These personality traits make a person more susceptible to stress.

If those potential sources of stress sneak through the individual departure filters and manifest themselves as stress, they will appear in a diverseness of physiological, psychological and behavioral symptoms. We reviewed the physiological symptoms when we talked near the definition of stress. Add to that psychological symptoms, like tension and feet, simply also job dissatisfaction and colorlessness, and behavioral symptoms, like turnover and absenteeism, and you lot can see how stress can get an organizational problem.

How much of an organizational problem is stress? Well, stress can price an organization a lot more than coin. Nosotros'll take a expect at that next.

Consequences and Costs of Stress

Today's typical workplace expects quite a chip from its employees. In a climate of layoffs and downsizing, employees are typically expected to practise "more with less"—that is, additional work for the aforementioned pay, frequently without updated resources and in a short amount of time. Demands for increased efficiency, quality and innovation tin can come at quite the price, and employees are caving under the pressure.

A written report conducted by Mental Wellness America (formerly the National Mental Health Association) suggests that stress costs US employers an estimated $500 billion dollars in lost productivity annually.

What does lost productivity mean? Allow's have a look at how employees responded to that 2022 survey, and talk well-nigh how it can directly (and indirectly) bear upon a company's bottom line.


Picture of a puzzle with a missing piece
What employees say according to Hellebuyck, Michele, et al. "Mind the Workplace." Mental Wellness America, 2017,

  • A third of employees surveyed reported staying away from work at least two or more days a calendar month because their work environments were and so stressful
  • Of those that responded that they missed ii or more days of piece of work
    • 35% said they missed between three and v days a month
    • 38% said they missed six days or more

Co-ordinate to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), absenteeism alone costs US employers $225.8 billion annually, or about $1,685 per employee. This cost, they say, comes from "Worker Affliction and Injury Costs U.South. Employers $225.viii Billion Annually." CDC Foundation, 28 January. 2015

  • Wages associated with unreported paid time off
  • High toll of replacement workers
  • Overtime pay for employees picking upwards their additional work
  • Overall administrative costs of managing absenteeism

It isn't merely the loss of productivity of the absentees, but their co-workers who are affected by this. In an article for BenefitsPro.com, Mental Health American CEO Paul Gionfriddo said, "Overstressed and unhealthy employees contribute to unhappy workplaces. This means that the indirect furnishings on anybody else—the people who dread coming to work—may not show up in the calculated productivity losses, just contribute to them nevertheless. Hellebuyck, Michele, et al. "Mind the Workplace." Mental Health America, 2017,


Here's what employees are saying near the effects of stress on their workplaces:[one]

  • Ii-thirds felt they worked in an unsupportive or fifty-fifty hostile environment
  • Two-thirds said they didn't often trust their coworkers to support them at work
  • Ii-thirds said their supervisor was unsupportive
  • More than eight in 10 said the stress at work straight caused stress with family and friend relationships
  • More than seven in x admitted they bad-oral cavity their employer outside of work

Information technology'south like shooting fish in a barrel to see why, considering these sentiments, that near three quarters of the employees surveyed are either actively seeking new employment or thinking of doing so.

The Piece of work Institute's 2022 Retentivity Report suggested that replacing an employee costs almost 33% of that employee's salary, meaning that the boilerplate worker making $45,000 a twelvemonth volition cost about $xv,000 to replace, when y'all consider advertisement, screening and testing applicants, training, and onboarding costs (among others). For some harder-to-fill positions, this cost could increase to 50% of the worker's salary. Sears, Lindsay, et al. 2017 Retention Written report. Work Plant, 2017

Turnover also lowers productivity in that there is a shift of work while the position is empty and even after when the new employee is learning her position, and the employee leaving takes with him knowledge of the company that may not be recaptured.

Sadly, the Work Institute'southward 2022 Memory Report as well captured information that led them to decide that roughly 75% of all turnover could be avoided. When surveying their 34,000 respondents, the top reasons for turnover were cited equally career development, compensation and benefits…so 3 that are straight related to stress: piece of work-life balance, manager's behavior and well-existence.

Workplace Violence

Workplace violence is on the rise, and information technology is the third leading cause of expiry for workers on the chore. Of grade, some workplace violence, like an active shooter or even an angry retail customer who takes a swing, is not due to workplace stress. Still, this kind of action takes a price on businesses, calculation even so another layer of stress and a price tag of about $55 million in lost wages for the 1.8 million piece of work days lost each year due to workplace violence (according to a written report by Lower & Associates, a risk management firm). Lowers & Associates. " The Bear on of Workplace Violence." The Take chances Management Blog. May xix, 2016. Accessed April 26, 2019.

Photograph of a person holding up a yellow square sign with an angry face drawn on itBut workplace violence rears its ugly head on a smaller level equally well. "Desk rage" is a term used to describe extreme or tearing acrimony shown by someone in an office, specially when this is caused past worry or a difficult situation. This tin can manifest itself in screaming and shouting, throwing or angrily destroying part equipment, or it tin be more subtle, like damaging water cooler gossip, theft or abuse of sick time. The people who work with someone experiencing desk rage are as much victims of workplace stress here as the "desk rager."

These are some of the results of stress that drive down productivity, but stress also affects the cost of wellness benefits and medical needs that an employer will pick up by providing health insurance. Stress factors into 5 of the six leading causes of death in the United states, and a staggering number of medical office visits will, in part, address symptoms related to stress.

It'southward no surprise to hear that a company similar General Motors spends more than money on healthcare than it does on steel. And (surprise!) workplace stress is responsible for upwards to $190 billion in annual US healthcare costs. Joel Goh, Harvard Business Schoolhouse acquaintance professor, tackled the subject of healthcare costs and stress in his paper, "The Relationships Between Workplace Stressors and Mortality and Health Cost in the Us," co-authored with Stanford University professors Jeffrey Pfeffer and Stefanos Zenios.

The three researchers cited x major factors of workplace stress and so mathematically examined their occurrences (and co-occurrences), concluding that workplace stress contributes to approximately 120,000 deaths each year. That, and additional healthcare expenses related to addressing stress related problems, deemed for $125 to $190 billion in healthcare costs, or well-nigh 5% to eight% of the nation's total expenditure.[two]

Do Question


The lesser line is that stress in the workplace has a huge effect on an employer'south bottom line.


Source: https://granite.pressbooks.pub/mgmt805/chapter/stress-in-an-organization/

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